November 2, 2005

  1. Call to order
  2. Flag Salute
  3. A quorum was confirmed.

4. Minutes approved September with change: Andrew Castanon was present at the meeting.  
5.   Student Reports—
      a. $2000.00 check for Hurricane Katrina presented at the city council meeting
b. Homecoming just ended. The school was decorated and students participated in the carnival, and the night pep rally.

  1. DAC—Nothing to report; no one attended the meeting. 
  2. Special Ed.—Nothing to report
  3. Title 1—Nothing to report
  4.  GATE—Nothing to report
  5. Administration—
    1.  November administration of the High School Exit Exam taking place     November 1st and 2nd for 11th and 12th grade students who have not passed one or both parts of the test.
  6. Guidance Committee—James Halley
    1. The committee will resume next week.
    2. The guidance office found out the perpetrators of last week’s school vandalism. The students were not El Rancho students.
    3. Purpose of the committee is to have a teacher voice in the guidance issues.
    4. One improvement has been the electronic attendance.
    5. A student asked who they could voice their concerns to. Mr. Collings said that students concerns should be addressed to any teacher.
  7. Scholarship/Fundraising – Put on hold until the School Site Council is a stronger body
  8. Bylaws—
    1. Mrs. Villon brought up the issue of attendance
    2. Mr. Halley brought up the fact that this group is a legal voting committee.
    3. Mrs. Villon led an overview and discussion on the purpose of School Site Council.
  1. Public Comment—None
  2. Agenda
    1. Matters under jurisdiction of School Site Council.
    2. The next meeting will be Wednesday, December 7, 2005   
  3. Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.