School Site Council Meeting Minutes 10/1/13
El Rancho High School

1.         FLAG SALUTE
                        Led by Amber Hernandez

2.         CALL TO ORDER
                        Mr. Alfredo Martinez called to order the regular meeting at 5:03pm on                         10/1/13 in the school library.

3.         ROLL CALL

                        SSC members in attendance:
                        Parents--Debbie Goodall, Alicia Villegas, Ruth Villaneda, Alfredo Martinez
                        Students--Mia Castillo, Amber Hernandez, Briana Morales, Vanessa Gonzalez
                        Classified Staff--None
                        Certificated Staff--Desiree Palacios, April Farris, Mary Helen Welch-Ebert, Mary                 Chapman
                        Administration--Ms. Jessica Kwek, Dr. Yvette Ventura
                        Visitors in attendance--Josie Cambero, Virginia Ibarra, Jazmin Chavez-Diaz,                Claire Katsumura
                        Members who sent regrets--None

                        Quorum confirmed.

4.         APPROVAL OF MINUTES (9/17/13)
            --Motioned:  Alicia Villegas, Second:  Ms. Jessica Kwek


    1.  Student Representative Report (Mia Castillo, Amber Hernandez, Briana Morales, Vanessa Gonzalez)

--Homecoming nominations took place on the 18th and 19th of September.  There are 3 girls nominated for each class except the Seniors, they have 6.  Meeting took place to vote for Homecoming princesses and we will find out who wins during the Homecoming assembly on October 18th.  On October 20th, we had Staff Appreciation Night along with our football game against Montebello.  We had 67 staff members and their families in the end zone for tacos and dessert. 

--On September 24th we had the Power 106 game (El Rancho HS male teachers and alumni played vs. staff of Power 106).  ERHS lost by a few points, but it was an exciting game.  Power 106 is having a contest where singer Ariana Grande gets to be the winning school’s Principal for a Day.  The contest is from September 23rd until October 4th.  Please vote online.  On Friday, September 27th we had our club fair during lunch which is geared towards Freshmen to be encouraged to join clubs and be involved with the school.  October 3rd is College Night at 7pm in the cafeteria and gym.  SAT testing is on October 5th.  PSAT is October 16th.
--Homecoming Week is October 15-18.  Tuesday is Blue Pride Day.  ASB and Pepsters will be at school at 5:45am to decorate school (BLUE PRIDE).  Runway show during lunch featuring class presidents and advisors dressed up in blue.  Participants will play games to earn points for each class.  Homecoming carnival is on Wednesday.  Clubs will sell food or drinks to raise money for their clubs.  Students looking forward to event. 

--Thursday is Night Pep Rally at 7pm in the old gym.  All are invited to attend.  Classes will dress up according to their theme.  Lucky #14 for Seniors (Las Vegas colors--red and gold), Egyptian theme for Juniors (Cairo colors--turquoise and silver), Snazzy Sophomores (New Orleans colors--purple and yellow), Aloha Freshmen (Honolulu colors--blue and orange).  All are welcomed to attend and see which class will win.  Skits will be performed.  On Friday of Homecoming week, we will have an assembly during lunch to announce the princesses.  The queen will be crowned during half-time at football game against Pioneer.  City Lights, Lively Nights dance after the football game from 9pm to midnight.  Dance to be held in the old gym. 

    1.  DAC--No report.  Meeting to be held on 10/16/13.  Debbie Goodall is DAC representative.
    3.  DELAC--No report.  Meeting to be held on 10/16/13.  Alfredo Martinez is DELAC representative. 
    5.  Special Education--April Farris reported students are signing up to use portal to check on their own grades. 


    1.  Administration--Ms. Kwek will implement use of Monday Morning Memo to increase communication between administration and staff.  Preparations underway for 6th year WASC visit.  Teachers are working on WASC action plan.  Accreditation process includes visit from teams selected from schools across the state.  Teams will verify information from report.  Students and staff are looking forward to Night Pep Rally.  Administrators currently working on visiting classrooms (2 times per week).  Applications now open for Seniors going to college.  Counselors continue to visit classrooms to discuss A-G requirements.  Parent Portal workshop on 10/1/13 in the morning.  Families may visit The Don Page (website) for additional information.  College Night is on October 3rd. 


    1. Revise Bylaws--Change School Site Council meeting date to Tuesday of the 1st week of the month.  Motioned:  Ms. Jessica Kwek, Second:  Debbie Goodall. 


    1. Selection of Parliamentarian--Mary Chapman reviewed duties of Parliamentarian            which include flag salute, confirming a quorum before start of each meeting and demonstrate knowledge of bylaws.  Unanimous vote for Ms. Jessica Kwek. 
    1. Approve Parent Compact--Table item for meeting on 11/2/13. 


  1. PRESENTATION OF WASC ACTION PLAN---Dr. Yvette Ventura, Claire Katsumura, Jazmin Chavez-Diaz

--Dr. Ventura informed School Site Council about differences found in SPSA (Single Plan for Student Achievement) and WASC goals.  SPSA and WASC goals need to reflect one another.  Suggested components to include in goals are use of timelines, list of resources needed, data collection, process of monitoring and evaluating students. 

--Ms. Kwek talked about focus group meetings on campus.  Parent input needed for upcoming meetings.  Next meeting to be held on October 18th.  Please contact Ms. Kwek if interested in attending upcoming meetings. 

--Ms. Chavez-Diaz and Ms. Katsumura shared with School Site Council that Action Plan is now reviewed by instructional managers during focus group meetings.  Improvements are ongoing.  The following goals were presented by Ms. Chavez-Diaz and Ms. Katsumura:

1.      Improve student literacy skills with an emphasis on under performing students.
2.      Identify and implement school-wide, rigorous instructional strategies that engage all students in all content areas.
3.      Improve math skills, especially for under performing students.
4.      Improve student technology skills and other 21st century skills in relation to academics and the workplace.
5.      Focus on helping students to pass CAHSEE with score of PROFICIENT. 

--Debbie Goodall asked how parents know if the information used by teachers is the best for students.  Ms. Chavez-Diaz explained that goals and methods must be supported by data. 

  1.         FUTURE MEETING


            Next meeting will be held on November 5, 2013. 

  1.         AGENDA FORECAST


            Draft of Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), Parent Compact



            Motion:  Alicia Villegas            Second:  Mary Helen Welch-Ebert
            Debbie Goodall adjourned the meeting at 5:50pm


Minutes submitted by Ruth Villaneda-SSC Secretary