Flag Salute – led by parliamentarian James Halley
Call to order
SSC Chairperson, David Angelo called to order the regular meeting at 5:10 PM in the school library.
SSC quorum was confirmed by the school site secretary
SSC members in attendance
Parents- David Angelo, Pat Gomez, Esther Mejia, Antoinette Paez, and Sarita Mota (ELAC)
Students- Tina Castellanos, Emily Peyton, Arlene Rodriguez, and Edith Vazquez
Classified Staff- none
Certificated Staff- James Halley
Administration- Sam Genis
      Visitors in attendance- Aurora Alcaraz, Valerie Paez, Alfred Renteria Jr., Teresa Villegas             
      Sent regrets
Approval of minutes from last meeting
School site council members individually read the April 11th meeting minutes. Tina Castellanos motioned/ Antoinette Paez seconded approval of the meeting minutes with corrections.
Information/Discussion Items

Separate Action items

  Public Comment

Agenda Forecast

Antoinette Paez motioned/ Edith Vazquez seconded the meeting adjournment.
Chairperson David Angelo adjourned the meeting at 5:45pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:  Esther Mejia/SSC Secretary