12-3-08 - SSC Minutes

Flag Salute – led by parliamentarian James Halley

Call to order

Dr. Aurora Villon called to order the regular meeting at 5:05PM on 12/03/2008 in the school library.

SSC quorum was confirmed

SSC members in attendance:

           Parents-David Angelo, Esperanza Angelo, Alfredo Martinez, Esther Mejia,

and Dr. Aurora Villon.

Student members- Genesse Carrillo, Bo Guillen, and Steve Ramirez.

Classified Staff- none.

Certificated Staff- James Halley, and Frances Nguyen

Administration- Sam Genis

Members who sent regrets: Sarita Mota, Antoinette Paez , and Charlene Brown

            Visitors in attendance:

Rachel Canchola, Mary Chapman and Pat Gomez

Approval of minutes from last meeting

School site council members individually read the November 5th meeting minutes. David Angelo motioned/ James Halley2nd the minutes be approved with corrections. Motion carried and passed.

Student representative report- Genesse Carrillo, Bo Guillen, Taylor Torres, Steve Ramirez reported the following:

The canned food drive class competition goal was to collect 5,000 lbs of cans. Actual cans collected were 7,000 lbs. 

Powder puff game will be held on Thursday December 10th  at 7:00pm

Drama team will be presenting a play tomorrow, ticket cost is $10.00

DAC report- Dr. Aurora Villon reported that Ms. Ruth Baskett presented a PowerPoint presentation on CPM visit. She also shared the results of the DAC elections: Esther Mejia- Chairperson, Alfred Renteria- Vice- President, and Dr. Aurora Villon- Parliamentarian.  Dr. Villon also reminded school site council to turn in their completed “Needs Assessment” so that she can turn them in to DAC.


Special Ed- no report

EIA/SCE-  Mr. Genis reported there is $300,000 allocated in budget. There is a possible need to transfer funds to EIA/LEP. He will be meeting with the accounting office to discuss.

GATE- Mr. Genis reported there is about $20,000 allocated in budget.

Administration- Mr. Genis  reported the following:

  1. Reminded that CPM visit to the district is on 1/5/09 to 1/9/09. Teachers have been notified and given information on visit. Additional information was given by district at Principal’s meeting. Mr. Genis was not sure if SSC members would be interviewed but will keep council posted.
  2. There were 95 graduates from the PIQUE program.
  3. Implementation of the honor roll. Honor roll list for the 1st trimester will be posted thru out the school. The breakdowns per grade are as follows:
  4. Principals Honor Roll Earning 3.33 or higher GPA 
  1. 9th grade
  1. 166
  1. 10th grade
  1. 140
  1. 11th grade
  1. 150
  1. 12th grade
  1. 155
  1.   Honor Roll Earning 3.0 to 3.32 GPA
  1. 9th grade
  1. 106
  1. 10th grade
  1. 96
  1. 11th grade
  1. 82
  1. 12th grade
  1. 101

Separate Action items:

  1. Lunch follow up- Additional lunch carts have been added. There is a $13.00 special which consists of a whole wheat pizza and 4 Gatorades. School is in the process of adding another buffet line to be implemented end of December. A big improvement has been shown on the lines and most important, more students are eating lunch.
  2. SPSA Review- Mr. Genis disseminated a draft SPSA to all in attendance for review and approval. He reminded that it is a living document that can be amended. He shared the deadline to turn in SPSA is 12/4 and that it would be presented for district board approval on 12/11/08. School Site council will meet on 12/9/08 to review SPSA in detail. Dr. Villon suggested we take SPSA home to review and highlight any items on document with comments/suggested changes.
  3. ELD Student Economic/Government class concerns- Mr. Genis looked into the concerns brought up and found that there are only four ELD students/economic and four ELD students/government and therefore not enough students to create a bilingual class. However, additional assistance will be provided to these students by GEAR UP visiting student’s classrooms, and also dedicated tutors will be available to those students during the “Scholars Inn”.
  4. Semester Schedule Update- Mr. Genis passed out a” New Timeline for Schedule Change ” handout and informed that all teachers received a copy of the handout.  Ms. Pat Gomez asked what time of the meeting would take place since they were not listed on handout. Mr. Genis replied that the 1/5/9 meeting would be held at 3:30pm in the “Little Theater”.  David Angelo commented that parents need to take a more active role in schedule change. Ms. Rachel Canchola asked if other school with similar demographics to ERHS were being looked at. Mr. Genis replied that Whittier area schools were being schedules were being looked at. Discussions ensued. Dr. Villon requested more information on schools selected to present their schedules for the next school site council meeting. Mr. Genis assured school site council members that student achievement is first and foremost kept in mind during the schedule change process. Rachel Canchola asked Mr. Genis if school counselors are involved in the schedule change committee. Mr. Genis replied that they were.
  5. Parent Involvement-David Angelo shared his concern that there is a need for more parent involvement opportunities since 1 ½ hours during school site council meeting is not enough. Dr. Villon suggested that when items such as the “student schedule change” process come up, a subcommittee derived from SSC parents should be formed so that there is more parent involvement in such a process. From this discussion it was suggested parents attend the January 5th and 12th “schedule change” meetings. Immediately after the meeting those parents and anyone else wishing to attend will meet in the school library to discuss findings. 
  6. Career Connections- item was placed on the agenda by Toni Paez who was unable to attend the meeting. The item was placed tabled for the February meeting. Frances Nguyen shared some information on career transition program.
  7. Bylaws Change- Article III was amended to include the following verbiage “Parents of incoming ninth graders, will be invited to attend each May meeting in order to nominate members to the council and be allowed to vote in the elections held in the latter part of May.” James Halley motioned/David Angelo 2nd the motion. Motion carried and passed unanimously by all SSC members. It was suggested that information on May SSC elections be sent out to feeder Middle schools in a timely manner and also that

Public Comment- None

Agenda Forecast for February  4th  meeting

  1. Career Connections
  2. Semester Schedule Follow Up
  3. Literacy

Esther Mejia motioned/ James Halley 2nd a meeting adjournment.

Dr. Aurora Villon adjourned the meeting at 6:18pm.

Minutes submitted by:  Esther Mejia/SSC Secretary

Minutes approved by: