March 2, 2005

  1. Call to order—5:22 pm
  2. Flag Salute
  3. A quorum was confirmed.

4.  Minutes confirmed with corrections

5. Student Reports—

    1. Events

                                                               i.      February 11th was Parents’ Night at the Basketball Game

                                                             ii.      Pep Rally of February 18th was cancelled

                                                            iii.      2 weeks ago Gizelle Carrillo met with the Dance Committee?

                                                           iv.      Winter Sports Dessert was held on February 24th

  1. DAC—
    1. Anthony Soltero, who attended the DAC meeting, was not present tonight  
  2. Special Ed.—Nothing to report
  3. Title 1—Nothing to report
  4.  GATE—Nothing to report
  5. Administration—Nothing to report
  6. Scholarship/Fundraising
    1. Cell Phone Drive

                                                               i.      Ron Beilke discussed turnaround time for cell phones

                                                             ii.      Maybe we can have a program for next year

                                                            iii.      Company needs time to check phones

                                                           iv.      Frank Moreno will follow through with Julie Ellis concerning cell phone project

    1. Solicit donations for Karen Gunningham for El Rancho Pride Day to replace $600-$700

                                                               i.      How much of that was replaced?

    1. Principal Ellis provided the donation information for the tree donation—perhaps to be presented on March 28th which is Earth Day

                                                               i.      Aurora Villon will follow up with the Nursery 

                                                             ii.      Frank Moreno to follow up with Principal Ellis with Boosters’ participation

  1. Parent Project:  Ray Chavez was well received; EL-19, Span.-28
    1. Hearing will be at 7 p.m. in the City Council chambers on Wednesday, March 9th
    2. Carryover of money does not happen.  Ray Chavez wants to know if we should apply for this for next year
  2. Grant Program—
    1. Aurora Villon attended a grant writing Institute in Irvine

                                                               i.      She would like us to write a grant for the gymnasium

                                                             ii.      She’ll have more information and possibly ideas about where to go next at the next meeting

  1. Public Comment—
    1. Mrs. Carr expressed concern about the cheerleaders at the girls’ basketball games:  She was at a game where she found that the cheerleaders were not actually doing any cheers.  As the cheerleaders are there to support the team and boost enthusiasm for both the players and the audience, if they are not doing that they are demoralizing team morale as well as violating the policies of Title 9.  The cheerleaders must begin performing at all games they attend.  Mrs. Carr expressed a willingness to go to the school board again, but would rather this situation were taken care of internally.
    2. Mrs. Carr also asked where the money collected for entrance to the boys’ games was going, and whether there should be a charge to attend girls’ games as well.  She concluded that parents would not mind paying to attend games.
  2. Agenda—
    1. An  update on the Parent Project was requested;  Brenda Rangel will be asked to attend the next meeting in order to update the Council

b.      The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005 

  1. Meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.